Avoid impulsive trading

Top 6 Tips | Avoid Impulsive Trading !

Impulsive trading and trading rules

Have you ever made a trade based solely on a sudden surge of excitement or fear, rather than because it aligns with your overall trading strategy?

If this is the case, you are not alone. This is referred to as impulsive trading, and it can be a major trap for even experienced traders.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss the risks of impulsive trading and how to avoid them.

What is impulsive trading?

Impulsive trading is when a trader makes decisions based on emotions rather than logic and research.

This type of trading can lead to rash decisions that are often not in a trader’s best interest.

It can also lead to losses and large drawdowns, as traders make decisions that are not backed by any research or analysis.

How to avoid impulsive trading?

To avoid impulsive trading, traders must develop a clear trading plan and strategy, as well as maintain discipline. It is also beneficial for traders to practice risk management techniques such as using stop-loss orders.

Here are some other ways you can avoid impulsive trading:

Don’t trade when…

Traders who are hungry, tired, stressed, or emotional are more likely to engage in impulsive trading.

It can be difficult to make sound decisions in these circumstances, so it is best to avoid trading while in any of these states.

Take breaks, eat regular meals, and get plenty of rest to keep your mind sharp for trading.

Use this time frame..

Trading on a daily time frame can help you avoid making rash trading decisions.

A daily chart provides a clearer picture of the overall trend, making it easier to make informed decisions based on the big picture.

This can help to reduce the temptation to make hasty decisions based on short-term fluctuations.

Limit this activity…

Spending too much time in front of the computer can complicate trading decisions.

Limit your trading time each day to a few hours and take breaks as needed. This will help to reduce the temptation to trade rashly.

Examine Your Trades

Examining your trades on a regular basis can help you identify mistakes and rash decisions.

This will assist you in recognizing your bad habits and making changes to avoid repeating the same mistakes in the future.

Use Punishment and Rewards

Punishment and rewards can be effective in preventing impulsive trading.

Make rules for yourself and reward yourself when you follow them.

Similarly, if you break a rule, punish yourself so that you are less likely to repeat the mistake.

Use these Techniques..

Mindfulness and meditation are two techniques that can help you manage your emotions and reduce impulsive trading.

These techniques can help you stay calm and focused while trading, allowing you to make better trading decisions.

It is also beneficial for traders to practice good risk management, such as using stop-loss orders to minimize potential losses, and to seek education and training to improve their market understanding.

Traders can reduce their risk of making impulsive or emotional trades and increase their chances of success in the markets by following these tips.

That’s fine. But, how do I follow trading rules every time?

It is impossible to follow your trading plan or rules every single time. But if you you miss following the rules, all you can do is to just limit your losses.

Other than that, traders should also take the following steps to ensure that they always follow trading rules:

Define their trading rules clearly

Trading rules should outline a trader’s goals, risk tolerance, and trading strategy for entering and exiting trades.

Traders must be specific and concrete in their rules, as well as ensure that they are well-defined and easy to follow.

Write down their trading rules

It can be beneficial for traders to write down their trading rules and keep them visible, such as on a whiteboard or in a trading journal.

This can serve as a constant reminder of the rules, assisting traders in remaining disciplined and sticking to their plan.

Regular reviews

Regularly review and update their trading rules. As traders gain experience and their understanding of the markets evolves, they may need to review and update their trading rules.

This can assist in ensuring that their rules remain relevant and effective.

Seek education and training

Educated traders with a strong understanding of the markets are more likely to stick to their trading rules and make informed and calculated trades.

Seeking education and training can help traders build a solid foundation of knowledge, leading to more successful trading.

By following these steps and remaining disciplined, traders can increase their chances of consistently adhering to their trading rules and being profitable in the markets.

It is important to note, however, that trading involves inherent risks and there is no guarantee of success.

What will happen if I don’t follow my own trading rules?

There are several possible outcomes if trading rules are not followed. Among the major disadvantages are:

Poor performance

When traders do not adhere to their trading rules, they may engage in impulsive or emotional trades that are poorly thought out.

This can result in poor performance and substantial losses.

Lack of discipline

Discipline is essential in trading because it allows traders to stick to their trading plan and avoid impulsive or emotional trades.

Traders who lack discipline may be more prone to making poor trading decisions and experiencing inconsistency in profitability.

Increased risk

If traders do not adhere to their trading rules, they may be taking on more risk than they are comfortable with or that is appropriate for the size of their account.

This can result in significant losses and, ultimately, the depletion of an account.

Stress and anxiety

The constant need to be in the market, combined with the possibility of significant losses, can cause traders to experience increased stress and anxiety.

This can have a negative impact on both physical and mental health, leading to burnout.


Traders can avoid these potential consequences and increase their chances of success in the markets by adhering to their trading rules and remaining disciplined.

To maximize their chances of profitability, traders must first develop a clear trading plan and strategy, as well as practice good risk management.

To know more about trading,check out my youtube channel …

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Resources & Links

My Trading Youtube Channel

Investopedia – Reference

Tradingview – Charting Platform

Notion – Trading journal

Quizzes for Traders

Quick calculators for traders

Swing RRR calculator

Zerodha – Trading brokerage platform (India)

CoinDCX – Crypto Platform


Trading involves substantial risk, and past performance is not indicative of future results. Always conduct your own research and consider seeking professional advice before making any investment decisions. The information provided on this platform about digital entrepreneurship is based on the author’s experiences and industry knowledge. It should not be considered as financial, legal, or business advice. Please consult with experts in these fields before making business decisions. This blog may contain affiliate links, and we may earn a commission if you make a purchase through these links. Your support is appreciated.

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